AI or Not

    Comprehensive Guide to President Biden's Artificial Intelligences Executive Order: AI Security and Safety

    President Biden's recent Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence (AI) marks a significant step in defining the future of AI in terms of applications, risks & potential laws while falling short on AI detection guidance.

    Comprehensive Guide to President Biden's Artificial Intelligences Executive Order: AI Security and Safety

    President Biden issued an Executive Order on the future applications, risks, potential laws and ethics as it relates to artificial intelligence (AI). Don’t get me wrong, this is a good start especially on the use of private data. However, this does miss the mark on highlighting areas of AI detection and Risk for the private sector. It does somewhat stop, or at least slow, the potential of Skynet-like robots taking over with their concoctions of AI weaponry, but stops shorts in other areas as well.

    They key points in the AI Executive Order are:

    • AI Safety and Security: Emphasizes the need for robust testing, understanding, and mitigation of AI risks.

    • AI Detection, Content Provenance and Watermarking: Develops mechanisms to identify AI-generated content, helping users discern such content.

    • Worker Support and Rights: Focuses on adapting job training and maintaining workers' rights in the AI era.

    • Equity and Civil Rights:Ensures AI does not exacerbate discrimination, with oversight and regulation.

    • Consumer Protection: Enforces laws against AI-related fraud and bias, particularly in critical sectors.

    • Privacy and Data Protection: Stresses the importance of secure data usage and privacy in AI advancements.

    • Federal AI Governance: Enhances the government's capacity to regulate and support responsible AI use.

    • International Collaboration: Promotes global cooperation on AI safety, security, and governance principles.

    AI Security and Safety

    One of the main functions of the government is to keep its citizens safe as is the purpose of the executive order. The goal is to build AI that's safe, secure, and trustworthy.

    AI's already got its fingers in everything, from facial recognition to self-driving cars. But with great power comes great...well, potential for disaster. Imagine biased algorithms dictating loan approvals, or rogue robots running amok in a supermarket. Not exactly the future we signed up for, right? What 

    AI Detection, Content Provenance and Watermarking

    Warning: this section will be the opinionated one.

    The White House's "AI Order" covers AI detection by developing guidance for watermarking by Generative AI models; but let's get real – watermarking is like using children’s (digital) Band-Aids on a T-3000 Terminator, it won’t do much.

    Open-source generative AI models are already in the wild, with bad actors training them to pump out deepfakes faster than you can say "synthetic reality." Watermarking this content is like trying to brand a chameleon – it just changes color and disappears. And if this executive order was made into AI Law right now, still wouldn’t matter as the already released open sources models wouldn’t be returned.

    What about using watermarking for bad and creating misinformation doubt? Imagine this: bad actors slap fake watermarks on real content, sowing seeds of doubt and confusion like a digital houdini who makes you question the reality around you. It's like painting "This is a forgery" on a real Van Gogh – just adds another layer of confusion, not truth. Suddenly, every news article, every video, becomes suspect. Trust in information, already on life support, flatlines completely.

    Highlighting the risks of AI content is a good first step but not nearly enough. In the fight against misinformation, what can we do? Instead of chasing ghosts with watermarks, let's focus on building robust AI detection tools. Tools that can sniff out AI-generated content with the same nose a bloodhound uses to track down a juicy steak. Tools that empower consumers to make informed decisions about the information they consume.

    AI’s Impact on Jobs

    Before you run out of your office and to an AI resume writer, let's review what President Biden thinks of AI's impact on jobs.

    The order sees AI as a collaborator, not a competitor. It highlights mitigating the harms of job displacement with new AI training that’ll benefit the entire workforce. There will always be jobs that AI can't replace – creativity, critical thinking, empathy, all those human skills robots still haven't cracked. Sure, some tasks might get automated, but that just frees us up for the good stuff – the jobs that AI will replace with, not eliminate. Think strategizing, innovating, leading – the stuff that makes us uniquely human.

    For the general workforce, it's about reskilling and upskilling. Imagine getting superpowers from AI, not losing them! The order promotes training programs and educational resources to make sure everyone's ready for the AI-powered future. Think of it as a superhero boot camp for the workforce, where you learn to work with, not against, this technology.

    The future is where AI boosts, not busts, your job prospects.

    Responsible AI to Fight Against Algorithmic Bias

    We're building a future where AI champions equity and civil rights.

    Imagine landlords using AI to avoid renting to certain groups? Not cool. The order cracks down on that, giving clear guidance to keep algorithms fair and unbiased. Think of it as an AI shield against discrimination, protecting everyone from unfair decisions.

    But it's not just about defense. The order also empowers us to attack algorithmic bias head-on. Training, technical assistance, and inter-agency teamwork will be our weapons. Think of it as an AI SWAT team, rooting out bias wherever it hides.

    How about AI in the criminal justice system? No thank you to Minority Report like pre-crime decisions. We're talking fairness at every step, ensuring AI serves justice, not reinforces prejudice.

    Now, let's switch gears to consumers and patients. We all want AI to improve our lives, not harm us. The order champions responsible AI in healthcare, with a safety program to catch and fix any dangerous practices. Think of it as an AI watchdog, keeping healthcare innovation safe for everyone.

    Finally, imagine AI-powered education, tailoring learning to each student's needs. The order equips educators with resources to unlock this potential, making education personalized and powerful. An AI tutor per student to help each reach their full potential with personalized learning. 

    Data Privacy & AI

    AI is a data privacy superpower, not a privacy monster. If data already fuels the internet, it's the lifeblood of AI. The order calls for stronger data privacy laws, safeguarding us from becoming AI lab rats. It's like a superhero shield protecting our digital selves.

    Algorithms devour our data, learning our habits and predicting our desires. It's powerful, but creepy. The order calls for bipartisan data privacy legislation that protects our Personal Identifiable Information (PII) from being used by algorithms.

    The White House's "AI Order" strongest stance is on the use of kids' data, hopefully transforming AI into a digital babysitter while limiting the use of minors’ data to build algorithms.

    Domestic Leadership, Global Collaboration

    The real superpower game is in building a future where people, as in humans, win. The White House's Executive Order isn't just about America claiming the AI crown, it's about global collaboration to unleash AI's potential for good, worldwide.

    Think of it like Team AI, with countries joining forces to tackle climate change, fight pandemics, and cure diseases – all fueled by the brain and compute power of artificial intelligence. No more data silos, no more tech rivalries, just shared resources, open source software and models fueling rapid and safe AI innovation.

    The order champions responsible AI use within our own government. Think of it as an AI watchdog, making sure algorithms don't discriminate or make unfair decisions. Imagine government agencies using AI not to spy on citizens, but to better serve them, from faster benefits delivery to more efficient regulations.

    So, forget the AI arms race; this order is about global collaboration, shared innovation, and responsible AI for all. It's about fueling innovation at home and sharing its benefits abroad. 

    The order aims to level the playing field for small devs and entrepreneurs, giving them the tools and guidance to turn their AI ideas into reality. Imagine a tech playground where every kid anywhere in the world with a laptop has a shot at building the next big thing. It's like a Silicon Valley AI sandbox, open for everyone to dig in and innovate no matter where they reside. This injection of innovation of AI will hopefully help universities and startups push the boundaries of healthcare, climate change, and every field you can imagine. 

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